On the Pleasure of Hating George Galloway


The man’s search for a tyrannical Fatherland never ends

Christopher Hitchens

I imagine I am not alone when I freely confess to having taken a great deal of satisfaction watching the British National Party leader Nick Griffin receive a roasting on Question Time 12 months ago, even as I winced a little at the unfairness of the four-against-one (plus audience) odds of the attack. Before Griffin appeared there were voices in the media warning that such exposure might have the unforeseen consequence of ‘boosting’ the far Right’s credentials with the electorate. Despite the relatively tepid quality of his interlocutors, however, they needn’t have worried: there sat Griffin, constantly on the back-foot; a shifty, squirming one-eyed fascist looking about as appealing as “a sweating sex offender” (in the words of Nick Cohen). Short of having resurrected Goebbels or Hitler, the BNP could hardly have chosen a leader less likely to win…

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